Kagayi Japanese Omakase Cuisine

週年慶閃購 | 握壽司套餐


・本活動可預訂的區間為 11 月 2 日至 11月 15 日。
・1 組商品保留一人座位,請依人數購買足夠商品。
・此為特殊活動,不接受退訂。如需改時間請於所預訂的時間 30 分鐘前致電客服並僅可更改一次,店家保有決定更改時間的權利。

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About Merchant

  • Signature Cuisine:

  • The restaurant offers menu-less packages at different prices and it's open for reservations only.

  • The chef will introduce the ingredients and the cooking methods for their guests. For lunch, there are also choices of nigiri sushi set. Before the meal, a menu printed with 30 ingredients and their origin will be presented and the customers can choose 10 ingredients according to their own preferences, and let the master make it for you on-site.

  • Quality Ingredients:

  • Most of the seasonal ingredients used are imported from Japan. The chef will decide the order of the dishes according to the characteristics of each ingredient so that the guest can taste the flavour properly.


No.215, Zhifu Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

捷運劍南路站,步行 8 分鐘 公車文湖國小站,步行 6 分鐘 公車治磐新村站,步行 10 分鐘 公車濱江國中站,步行 4 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
  • FunNow 預訂與店家現場優惠不可併用。
  • 特殊活動請以注意事項公告之事宜為主,不適用於客戶須知內的退訂規則。
  • 訂購成功後,您將獲取一組 6 位數的兌換碼,請務必於您預訂的日期、時間、地點準時抵達現場,並於進場前出示兌換碼供店家確認身份與核銷。
  • 線上專人 LINE@ 客服:@funnow。
  • 本商品為行銷活動之商品,FunNow 保有最終更改、取消活動之權利。


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