Simier Beauty Salon

臉部深層淨膚保養 30 min | FunNow獨家


・本方案內容:臉部卸妝 + 清潔 + 去角質 + 10 倍淨膚微氣泡水療 + 鈣離子冷療 + 舒敏保濕面膜 + 七彩光療 + 潤膚隔離 。
・10 倍淨膚微氣泡水療:
1. 清潔毛孔深處陳年汙垢與老化角質
2. 強力真空吸汙,去除粉刺與黑頭
3. 吸附油垢,調理油性肌
4. 臉部淋巴按摩,活絡氣色,改善晦暗肌
5. 增氧補水,緊緻肌力,改善乾燥皺紋肌

1. 紅光:具有改善痘疤、疤痕,加速新陳代謝抗衰老與抗氧化的功效。
2. 藍光:具有改善青春痘、抑制皮脂腺,預防傷口感染。
3. 綠光:對於過敏性肌膚與身心有鎮靜舒緩的效果,減少油脂分泌,排水腫。
4. 紫光:結合紅光 + 藍光光療的功效,尤其在治療痤瘡和痘疤、疤痕有著特別好的效果和修復作用。
5. 黃光:結合紅光 + 綠光光療的功效,分解色素、促進淋巴排毒、改善肌膚粗糙、皺紋、治療肌膚發紅發熱、癬等,增強免疫力。
6. 青光:結合藍光 + 綠光光療的功效,加速肌膚新陳代謝,平衡分泌、鎮靜肌膚、控制油脂。
7. 紅光 + 藍光 + 綠光:分解色素、促進淋巴排毒、改善肌膚粗糙、皺紋、治療肌膚發紅發熱、癬等,增強免疫力。

About Merchant

  • Skilled techniques:

  • It applies techniques of soothing, smoothing and detoxifying muscles to help improve blood circulation on the face and promote normal metabolic function. Combined with special beauty massage techniques and mechanics theory, the facial muscles and fascia system are maintained in balance. Based on the tendons of the muscles and veins, comprehensive operations are carried out in all aspects. It deeply loosens tendons and hard lumps to make the tissue soft and restore normal state and function. It can achieve the functions of unclogging air resistance, clearing blood, and repairing cells.

  • Recommended experience:

  • Eliminating deep toxins makes skin white and translucent from the inside out and expels skin metabolic wastes quickly through blood circulation. It thereby improves facial complexion and delaying aging.


Pet friendly
Private space


1F., No.68, Hulin St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

捷運永春站 5 號出口,步行 5 分鐘 公車永春國小站,步行 1 分鐘 公車永春國小站,步行 2 分鐘 公車永春國小站,步行 2 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 此為女性空間,男賓止步。
  • 本專案恕無法指定服務人員。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy