Michelin 2-star|The Guest House



— 商品內容 —

・2019 年米其林月獨家菜單:
- 迎賓開味五彩盤|鮮露豆腐絲、焦糖烏魚子、黃瓜雨來菇、紅油牛筋凍、胡麻珠蔥
- 松露珍菌海皇鮑
- 上湯龍蝦豌豆米
- 蔥燒薏仁珠婆參
- 低溫椒麻無骨牛 ( 美國牛肉 )
- 寧式蒸龍膽魚捲
- 寶島季節時鮮果
- 香滑官燕蓮藕露。
・現場額外點餐需酌收 10 % 服務費。

— 訂位說明 —

・由於每天座位限量,若您已經訂位後想再加訂卻出現無法訂位狀況表示該時段已經被訂滿位,請直接聯繫 FunNow 客服, FunNow 客服可以協助代為處理。
・結帳前請務必填寫預訂姓名 / 聯繫電話 / 備註是否有對特殊食物有過敏或需求,可接收訂單之聯繫信箱(網頁預訂才需填寫,APP預訂則無需填寫),方便後續安排座位及聯繫。
・訂購成功後,您將於您指定聯繫信箱或APP中的預訂管理中獲取一組 6 位數的兌換碼,請務必於您訂位時間地點準時抵達並出示兌換碼即可。

— 訂位條款 —

・該商品為特殊活動商品,不適用 FunNow 一般退款規定。
・米其林月商品專屬保留位恕不接受取消退費,預訂後如需更改時間,需於訂位時間 72 小時前聯絡 FunNow 客服,協助更改時間, 恕無法保證想更改之時間一定有位,訂位前 72 小時內不再接受更改時間、加人數等變更。
1. 週一到週日 10 : 00 - 23 : 00,撥打+886 965 385 825
2. 加入 LINE 客服帳號 @funnow
・本次米其林月活動,唯有付款成功後並收到六位數 FunNow 兌換碼才算完成訂位,餐廳將於您預訂的時間為您保留訂位。

About Merchant

  • About Guest House Restaurant at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel (Michelin 2 stars):

  • The restaurant got Michelin two stars in both 2018 and 2019, showing how delicious its cuisine must be! Breaking the impression of expensive Michelin restaurants, all kinds of signature dishes are high-end but not expensive! You can easily enjoy the taste of Michelin here!

  • Signature dishes:

  • "Red yeast rice tail" has the colloid of a thick pigtail, yet it does not taste sticky yet has a refreshing after taste; the "100-page tofu silk" is soft and tender, and the elegant long flavor and the flavor of the bean is fascinating.

  • Suitable Groups:

  • Without the sense of greasiness of a Chinese restaurant, the Guest House is decorated to be elegant and comfortable and lives up to the standard of a good restaurant! With a variety of affordable side dishes, it is suitable for family dinners. You can easily try Michelin cuisine and make the elderly and children happy!


No.12, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Shandao Temple Station / 3 min walk ( Bus ) Executive Yuan Station / 1 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Shandao Temple Station / 1 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy