Burger Ray




・ Burger Ray 自開業以來,即標榜使用牛排等級規格來製作漢堡肉餅,不過至今仍有客人誤解,還以為漢堡裡夾的是整塊牛排,四年來解釋到膩的老闆,決定乾脆將錯就錯,獻上以菲力牛排製成的原塊漢堡,豪氣地向食肉族宣戰。但牛排有一定厚度,拿來作漢堡,其實並不好入口,所以本次特別挑選美國Prime冷藏菲力牛排,用兼容油花、無筋度,以一個腦攤狀態活在牛身體裡的部位,來詮釋何謂軟嫩質地,同時運用先煎後炸的手法,讓麵衣把菲力肉香緊緊包覆其中,無須大費力氣,大口咬下,誘人的斷面秀直接登場。


・訂購成功後,您將於預訂管理中獲取一組 6 位數的兌換碼,請務必於您預訂的日期、時間、地點準時抵達現場,並出示兌換碼即可。


・此為 2019 年 GQ 肉食節活動的獨家菜單,為保障店家備料與消費者權利,距訂位時間的 7 天內之訂單,不可更改時間,亦不可取消辦理退款。
・肉食節獨家菜單在一般訂位通路皆無法預訂,此商品僅保留 1 個位子,如果您有獨家菜單以外的座位需求,請直接與店家聯繫。
・由於每天餐點和座位為限量供應,若您訂位後欲再加訂,卻出現無法訂位之情形,表示該時段已訂滿,請直接聯繫 FunNow客服,我們將代為處理後續。
・線上專人LINE@客服:@funnow ,專線電話:+886 965385825

About Merchant

  • About Burger Ray:

  • The reason why this restaurant is named "individuality" in Chinese is that it is ready to fulfil your wishes --- to make burger on your own! You can add whatever you want to your burger without holding back!

  • Star Chef:

  • The chef graduated from the California Culinary Institute CCA and had spent eight years working in a restaurant in San Francisco. After returning to Taiwan, he also worked in the restaurant owned by the steak godfather Deng Yougui.

  • Signature dishes:

  • Although there are some ready-made flavors available, you should definitely try the "self-selected burger", which is rich in ingredients such as thick bacon, thick steak, pan-fried duck liver, sun egg ...! Just enjoy a fun burger with fillings!


No.250-4, Sec.4, Zhongxiao E Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 4 分鐘 捷運國父紀念館站,步行 5 分鐘 公車阿波羅大廈站,步行 3 分鐘

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Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。


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