Okinawa Hanabi Illusion

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About Merchant

  • Traditional entertainment that Japan boasts "Fireworks",

  • One major collaboration of Okinawa's "nature and culture"

  • Ryukyu Kai Fire festival which celebrates the 15th time in 2018 with the theme "To the summer that is touched the earliest in Japan".

  • It is one of the biggest entertainment in Okinawa, full of originality due to the fusion of Japanese fireworks and Okinawa music and culture, and boasts the largest scale of fireworks illusion in Japan.

  • Not only as an ocean type resort but also appealing the original attraction of Okinawa with a new method,

  • We aim to improve Okinawa's status and attract sightseeing, and appeal "the earliest summer in Japan" inside and outside the prefecture. As a festival to enjoy tourists from outside the prefecture and Okinawa citizens every April, it will be held according to the sea opening season in Okinawa.


Shinji Kiyoshi 4-chome No. 2 No. 1, Ginowan City

Public Transportation

Ginowan Seaside Park (Ginowan Tropical Beach) Shinji Kiyoshi 4-chome No. 2 No. 1 Ginowan City 901-2224

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