Katz Fusion Restaurant Neihu Branch

雙人滿足套餐| IG 熱門打卡點


・本方案內容:主餐 2 份 + 飲品 2 杯。
主餐 12 選 2 :原味黃金炸雞 or 蒜香奶油鹹香炸雞 or 韓式甜辣紅醬炸雞 or KATZ 起司炸雞 or 黃金炸雞柳條 or KATZ 豆腐鍋 ( 海鮮 / 豬肉 / 菇類 ) or KATZ 拌飯 ( 牛肉 / 豬肉 ) or KATZ 漢堡肉排泡菜鍋 or KATZ 漢堡肉排飯 or 泡菜馬鈴薯煎餅 or 起司馬鈴薯辣燉雞 or 蔥花辣炒豬肉 or 雞肉義大利麵沙拉
・FunNow 會員獨享免服務費優惠。

About Merchant

  • About KATZ Fusion Restaurant:

  • KATZ Fusion Restaurant is your answer to a Korean food craving. This super popular Korean mix American style restaurant is originally from Taichung. It is also very well known on Instagram.

  • Signature Cuisine:

  • KATZ burger steak rice:The volcanic eruption hamburger steak is covered with a layer of half-boiled eggs and melted cheese.

  • Splendid Decoration:

  • Entering the store is like walking into the scene of a Korean drama, the trendy and splendid design, white marble table and crystal chandelier symbolize a sense of magnificence for their guests.




No.83, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

捷運西湖站,步行 6 分鐘 公車麗山街站,步行 3 分鐘 公車捷運西湖站 (恕德家商) ,步行 4 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 此方案可抵兩人低消。
  • 因訂位踴躍,請於用餐前一天完成預訂,並且務必註明用餐人數。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy