Ryukyu Fireworks Festival 2019

琉球海炎祭兒童票 無劃位



★ 訂票免手續費,海炎祭現場 FunNow 專屬攤位兌換。
★ 萬人朝聖的第 16 回平成最後一個「JAL琉球海炎祭」,是日本最早的花火大會,傳統工藝、當代藝術、時尚科技的完美結合。上萬發特製花火,沖繩海景是它的舞台,湛藍深邃的夜空是專屬的畫布,2019 夏天,盡情綻放,驚艷無限!
★ 本活動位於沖繩中部宜野灣海濱公園,從那霸市車程約30分鐘。建議您提早到現場,欣賞沖繩碧海藍天的海邊!
★ 一邊欣賞連續施放的花火大會,旁邊還有各種屋台小吃攤位。與家人、朋友或伴侶一起,在涼風陣陣的夜晚吃著小吃、喝著啤酒,在一波又一波的花火下聊天,是個享受夏天最棒的方法!

・指定合作: 第16回 「JAL琉球海炎祭2019」
・商品包裝:兒童票 1 張,無座位區。
・活動時間:2019/4/13(六);15:00 開場,19:00 開演(預定於 20:15 結束)
・活動場所:宜野灣海濱公園 熱帶海灘(沖縄県宜野湾市真志喜 4-2-1)
・汽車導航 Map Code:33 403 343*44

【 FunNow 優惠】

・本次活動「JAL琉球海炎祭2019」舉辦於 2019/4/13(六)。若當天遇到雨天、強風・豪雨等惡劣天氣則將取消活動。在此預先提醒,本公司不負責任何損失以及不接受退款。

【 購買方式 】
・海炎祭現場憑兌換碼至 FunNow 攤位兌換票券。
・備註欄請填寫:①中文姓名; ②手機號碼; ③主要聯繫人的電子郵件; ④其他需求,將有專人為您服務。
・如有行程延誤,請聯繫 FunNow Line 客服,將有專人為您服務。
・Line 客服聯繫完成後您將於 5 日內於email及APP預訂管理中收到訂單憑證。

About Merchant

  • ★ Merchant: 16th "JAL Ryukyu Fireworks Festival 2019"

  • ★ Chinese, English and Japanese guide languages are all available.

  • ★ The 16th "JAL Ryukyu Firework Festival" is the earliest fireworks exhibition in Japan. It is the perfect combination of traditional crafts, contemporary art and fashionable technology. This summer, up to 10,000 special fireworks, with Okinawa sea view as it’s stage, the blue and deep night sky as it’s canvas, let the fireworks burst and bloom with unlimited amazingness!

  • ★ This activity is located in Ginowan Beach Park in the middle of Okinawa. It takes about 30 minutes by car from Naha City. It is recommended that you go to the scene early and enjoy the seaside of the blue sky and blue sky of Okinawa!

  • ★ While enjoying the continuous fireworks display, there are various food stalls next to the event. Eating snacks and drinking beer on a cool breeze night, chatting under the waves of fireworks with family, friends or your partner, is the best way to enjoy the summer!




Mashiki 4-2-1, Okinawa,Ginowan City

Public Transportation

Venue: Ginowan Seaside Park (宜野湾海浜公園) Address: Okinawa Prefecture, Ginowan City, Mashiki 4-2-1 Car Navigation Map Code: 33 403 343*44

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