The Residence|Grand Hyatt Taipei

單人跨年派對 | 震撼 101 煙火


— 商品介紹 —

・商品內容:派對入場券 1 張,銷售金額已含 10% 服務費。溫馨提醒:1. 無提供座位。2. 入場門票費用包含紅白酒、氣泡酒、軟性飲料和果汁無限暢飲及鹹甜點吧。3. 現場另有互動魔術表演與塔羅牌占卜等多樣精彩餘興節目。
・入場時間:12/31 晚上 10 點開放驗票入場。
・這是能在距離台北101 僅一街之隔的露台上欣賞燦爛輝煌的煙火秀的最棒場所。

— 分店特色 —

・471平方公尺舒適雅致的宴會場所,附屬露台更擁有台北101 的寬闊視野。
・位處信義鬧區緊臨台北101 旁的獨特活動場域,適合舉辦各式產品發表會、酒會或私人慶祝聚會,每年跨年舉辦之煙火派對更是台北跨年首選活動。

— 備註 —


— 特殊商品退款須知 —

・此為節慶特殊商品,若需退訂請於活動開始前 72 小時提出,需扣 5% 訂金。距活動開始 72 小時內恕不接受退訂申請。若活動因不可抗力因素取消則照主辦單位規定辦理。

・This is a special product for the upcoming new year. 5% of the deposit will be charged for the cancellation 72 hours prior to the event and no refund will be accepted within 72 hours of the event.

About Merchant

  • A discreet venue of 471 square meters (5,069 square feet) for special occasions with an adjoining outside terrace - a premier outdoor venue with a spectacular view of the Taipei 101. It is indeed the ideal venue for discerning outdoor banquets, product launches and cocktail receptions, which can accommodate up to 200 guests depending on the function style.




2F., No.2, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Grand Hyatt Taipei Station / 1 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 2 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( Songshou ) Sta. / 3 min walk ( Bus ) City Council Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( City Hall Rd. ) Sta. / 5 min walk

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy