MQ Marquee

四人暢飲優惠站票 | 煙火第一排


・商品內容:派對入場券 4 張,需四人同時進場驗票,現場提供法國氣泡酒、1+1調酒(依活動現場酒單為主)、shots、義大利Peroni啤酒無限量暢飲
・入場時間:12/31 晚上 9 點開放驗票入場,此套票需四人同時進場驗票
・未滿 18 歲謝絕入場
・銷售金額已含 10% 服務費,若要多人入場請依人數購買足量票券
・此為節慶特殊商品,若需退訂請於活動開始前 72 小時提出,需扣 30% 訂金。距活動開始 72 小時內恕不接受退訂申請。若活動因不可抗力因素取消則照主辦單位規定辦理

About Merchant

  • Signature Cocktails: Special tailored cocktails menu with clear ingredients addressed. From sniffing the aroma to slurping the tannin of the drink, you are able to experience the lingering aftertaste with every sip you have.

  • Spotless Atmosphere: Located right opposite Taipei 101, this spacious elegant room has been divided into dine-in section and drinking lounge, catering to different occasions such as couple dating, friends gathering or partying.

  • Special Honors: The Diageo World Class top bartender has once been their special bartender offering personalized cocktails, earning the deserved title of 36 Hours must-visit places in Taipei and 2017 Louis Vuitton City Guide Taipei recommended bar.


Private Room


No.16-1, Sec.5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. / 3 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. ( City Hall Rd. ) / 3 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. ( Xinyi ) / 3 min walk ( Bus ) World Trade Center Sta. ( Zhuangjing ) / 3 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy