Uinn Business Hotel
・神秘雙人房房型,實際入住房型以現場安排為主;12 小時。
・1 張雙人床。
・房內設備:OLIVA 義大利進口有機洗髮沐浴露、SHARP 40 吋 Android 網路智慧型電視、羅技無線觸控鍵盤、BACHOR + TOTO 乾溼分離衛浴、Panasonic 恆溫免治馬桶、獨立 Wi-Fi 無線網路分享器、USB 專用插孔、HITACHI 空調系統、無聲冰箱、天然鵝絨被寢飾、Philips 快煮壺、Philips 負離子吹風機、電子式保險箱、西雅圖濾掛式咖啡、天仁茗茶、健康小點心、礦泉水、茶几、舒適造型椅、造型立燈、行李架。
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1-hour late check-out
About Merchant
悠逸商旅士林館是簡約的士林區商旅。悠逸商旅為膠帶生產起家的「炎洲集團」旗下飯店品牌,品牌名稱取其 YOU IN 英文發音,YOU IN INN 意即「邀請您來旅館 ( invite U to come IN ) 」,以悠遊愜意之姿,享受旅行中 在「悠逸」的每一刻!
悠逸商旅評價:Google 4.3 星、FunNow 用戶 4.9 星好評推薦
悠逸商旅推薦:離公車站福港街僅 1 分鐘腳程。全館設計概念延續炎洲集團的膠帶產業故事,設計師運用膠帶線條意象,以繽紛的彩色線條串起整館活力。各樓層擁有繽紛色調的房號指示線條,憑著手中房卡套上專屬顏色,跟隨屬於你的色彩線條走,找到你的專屬 UINN COLOR LIFE,帶給你探索趣味的獨特體驗。
No.318, Sec. 4, Chengde Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
( MRT ) Jiantan Station / 14 min walk ( MRT ) Shilin Station / 15 min walk ( Bus ) Civil Service Housing Station / 8 min walk ( Bus ) Shilin Market ( Ming Chuan Hostel ) / 10 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei Children's Amusement Park Station / 12 min walk
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- According to tourism regulations, ID cards should be provided for registration upon check-in, and other programs should be carried out in accordance with the on-site rules.
- The number of occupants is 2 pax. Please refer to the announcements on-site for additional pax or extension of time.
- Showering facilities might vary with the room type. Rooms with windows or without windows cannot be specified, and windows in all rooms are airtight windows.
- Luggage deposit service is not available in this program.
- The late check-out fee amount is based on the front desk announcement, and guests should pay the fee on-site. Late check-out fee will be charged ten minutes after the last check-out time.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy