P&C Boutique Cafe
・Inclusive of: Japanese / Korean Meals | Available All Day
Meal 1 out of 2:
- Curry Beef Rice
- Ginger Roasted Meat Rice
1 drink under TWD 140. ( make up for the difference if the price is above TWD 140 )
FunNow Exclusive Gift
Privilege for PRO / ELITE Members
Extra 1 dessert ( TWD 160, 1 per table )
About Merchant
About P&C Boutique Café:
The building is a compound space combining leather workshop and cafe located on Chifeng Street. The ground floor is a display space for metalworking and leather goods, the basement is a studio, and the second floor is P & C Boutique Café. After drinking coffee, you can also join the leather making workshop here.
Signature Cuisine:
As a coffee shop, coffee is a must-have item. However, P & C Boutique Café has even more exciting and flavoured lattes such as sweet peach cognac brandy latte and French champagne strawberry latte. In addition to coffee, the desserts here are also very creative, remember to request from the staff for the special dessert of the day.
2F., No.28-4, Chifeng St., Datong Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運雙連站,步行 3 分鐘 捷運中山站,步行 7 分鐘 捷運民權西路站,步行 11 分鐘 公車捷運雙連站,步行 3 分鐘 公車雙連站,步行 3 分鐘 公車民生西路口站,步行 6 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
- 最後點餐時間為 18:00。
- 此方案不接受現場加購,為避免影響您的用餐體驗,請提前預訂,並於預訂時間使用。
- 現場不收 10% 服務費。
- 此方案可抵一人低消,第二人起請依店內低消為一人 1 杯飲品消費。
- FunNow 預訂與店家現場優惠不可併用。
- 非寵物餐廳,環境為老屋樓梯較陡,若攜帶毛小孩入內,請放置寵物提籃。
- 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
- 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy