Ziga Zaga|Grand Hyatt Taipei

有夠義思 National Pizza Party Day 披薩吃到飽活動


・本方案內容:𝟓/𝟏𝟕-𝟓/𝟏𝟖 限定 義式 𝐏𝐈𝐙𝐙𝐀 吃到飽

𝐙𝐈𝐆𝐀 𝐙𝐀𝐆𝐀 經典風味、佛羅倫斯燉本地牛總滙、瑪格莉特披薩,以及羅馬長形披薩更獻上新加坡辣椒蟹、燒烤手撕豬、黑糖珍奶共六款創義 𝐏𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚 吃到飽。
此外,另有五款義式沙拉、多重義大利甜點、洋蔥濃湯、柏克金德式小麥生啤酒 等隨心暢饗。

・本方案可升級義式主餐 ( 價格包含自助餐檯 + 位上主餐 1 份 ):
- 西西里檸檬烤春雞與迷迭香炒野菇佐檸檬
- 香煎鱸魚佐白蘭地奶油醬汁
- 炭烤美國菲力牛排搭佐巴沙米克醋

・活動時間為 5/17 ~ 5/18 止。

About Merchant

  • About Ziga Zaga: An authentic Italian restaurant located on the second floor of Grand Hyatt Hotel with nearly 30 years of history. Their modern inspired Italian menu offers a mixture of creative and innovative Italian favorites. It also provides a wide selection of unique beverages and signature drinks in a vibrant ambience.

  • Splendid Decoration: You will not miss noticing the customized lion head-shaped oven, known as “Mouth of Truth” which is the spiritual symbol of Ziga Zaga. Don’t forget to order a pizza and take your taste-buds on a gastronomic journey.

  • Signature Cuisine: Ossobuco Alla Milanese (braised Australian veal shank that comes along with gremolata and saffron risotto).


2F., No.2 Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Grand Hyatt Taipei Station / 1 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 2 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( Songshou ) Sta. / 3 min walk ( Bus ) City Council Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( City Hall Rd. ) Sta. / 5 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
  • 銷售金額已含 10% 服務費。
  • 自帶酒水,需收開瓶費酒類每瓶 TWD 1000。
  • FunNow 預訂與店家現場優惠不可併用。
  • 請主動向服務人員顯出您的 6 位數兌換碼。
  • 此方案不接受現場加購,為避免影響您的用餐體驗,請提前預訂,並於預訂時間使用。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy