Irodori|Grand Hyatt Taipei

假日午晚餐 | 含台灣生啤無限暢飲


・本方案內容:假日午晚餐 | 含台灣生啤無限暢飲,價格已包含 10% 服務費。
・使用時間 : 週五晚餐及週六、週日午晚餐。
・活動時間即日起至 7 月 31 日止。

About Merchant

  • About Irodori: Irodori reflects the genius of Japanese cuisine with an exquisite buffet replete with rare delicacies and a wide selection of sake. With the bustling and modern Japanese live kitchen setting.

  • Signature Cuisine: Irodori’s extensive buffet selection includes sushi, sashimi, tempura, fresh seafood, grilled items, ramen, and many more Japanese favorites to tempt the adventurous.




3F., No.2, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Grand Hyatt Taipei Station / 1 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station / 2 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( Songshou ) Sta. / 3 min walk ( Bus ) City Council Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei City Hall ( City Hall Rd. ) Sta. / 5 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
  • 訂購成功後,您將獲取一組 6 位數的兌換碼,請務必於您預訂的日期、時間、地點準時抵達現場,並於進場前出示兌換碼供店家確認身份與核銷。
  • FunNow 預訂與店家現場優惠不可併用。
  • 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
  • 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy