金子半之助 台中港三井店

Edomae Tendon (with Anago) Individual Fun Combo | Dine-in


・Inclusive of: Edomae Tendon (with Anago) Individual Fun Combo | Dine-in
・Please type your preferred drinks in the note box.

Tendon: Anago, Phoenix-Tailed Prawns, Fried Suid & Small Scallop, Sweet Chili, Japanese Omelette(over medium), Fried Dried Seaweed
Non-staple Food: Fried Suid & Small Scallop
Soup: Seaweed Miso Soup
Drinks (Choose 1 from the following): Pomelo Sparkling Drink / Mixed Berry Sparkling Drink

・As this is a takeout package, please pick up your meal on time.
・Please choose the delivery time and press "the following step" to submit your order.

About Merchant

  • 2010年創立於東京日本橋,來自日本的天丼排隊名店,至今已連續七年榮獲日本全國丼連盟天丼金賞獎。

  • 現任社長金子真也先生,在年輕時繼承了爺爺珍貴的閻魔帳(秘笈),裡面記載著從不外傳的丼飯醬汁秘方,完整重現了江戶時代的老滋味。為了找尋能夠完美搭配這秘傳醬汁的丼飯食材,在歷經無數次的測試後,終於完成這一碗真摯傳遞江戶時代的秘傳美味~江戶前天丼。邀請您一同品嚐金子半之助先生料理中的純粹精神,以及百年不變的美好滋味。


台灣大道十段168號1樓, 台中市梧棲區

Public Transportation

公車臺中港務大樓站,步行 10 分鐘 公車警察總隊站,步行 16 分鐘

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