
Donburi (Rice Bowl) | Dine-in


・Inclusive of: Donburi (Rice Bowl) | Dine-in

- Pork Sukiyaki Don
- Grilled Pork with Kimchi Don
- Beef Sukiyaki Don
- Thai Style Lemon Fish Don
- Roasted Chicken Thigh Don

・Each set is served with a bowl of soup.
・Please choose the delivery time and press “Next” to submit your order.

FunNow Exclusive Gift

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A side dish is given with each order.

About Merchant

  • 丼起來是專業的日式丼飯、日式烏龍麵等專賣店。丼起來緊鄰大隆路黃昏市場,是台中 CP 值非常高的丼飯店。

  • 丼起來必點菜單:炙燒煎牛肉丼飯、霸氣龍蝦干貝鮑魚烏龍麵

  • 丼起來評價:FunNow 5 星好評推薦

  • 丼起來推薦:位置近公車頂何厝 ( 臺灣大道 ) 站,步行約 8 分鐘即可抵達。

  • 丼起來訂位、丼起來優惠資訊立刻查看⬇︎


大隆路54號, 台中市西屯區

Public Transportation

捷運市政府站 ,步行 12 分鐘 捷運水安宮站 ,步行 12 分鐘 公車頂何厝 (臺灣大道) 站,步行 8 分鐘 公車何厝 (臺灣大道) 站,步行 9 分鐘 公車忠明國小站,步行 11 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • Additional purchase is not available on-site. Please complete all the booking process in advance and arrive on time.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy