兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳

Food Delivery | Exquisite Individual Set


經典個人餐:咖哩起司飯 / 番茄豬肉醬筆管麵 / 菠菜起司雞肉筆管麵 / 蔥爆牛柳飯 / 三杯雞飯
三明治、飯糰、刈包系列:酪梨燻雞厚蛋吐司三明治 / 壽喜牛厚蛋吐司三明治 / 莓果花生豬排厚蛋吐司三明治 / 鮪魚厚蛋吐司三明治 / 蛋沙拉吐司三明治 / 壽喜牛三角飯糰 / 醬炒菇菇三角飯糰 / 鮪魚沙拉三角飯糰 / 蛋沙拉三角飯糰 / 韓式泡菜起司雞腿刈包 / 希臘風牛肉刈包 / 菇菇歐姆蛋刈包

・經典個人餐皆含冰 / 熱紅茶,請於備註欄選購溫度,若無填寫則以冰紅茶為主。
・三明治、飯糰、刈包系列可加購升級為套餐,皆含有飲品 3 選 1 ( 蘋果汁 / 冰熱紅茶 / 冰熱美式 ) 及下列附餐,可於下一步完成。
三明治套餐含 : 生菜沙拉、季節水果、堅果優格
飯糰套餐含 : 生菜沙拉、季節水果、南瓜泥、溏心蛋
刈包套餐含 : 生菜沙拉、堅果優格、主廚小點

・外送餐點訂單不適用 FunNow 一般訂單退費規則,無 10 分鐘猶豫期,亦不可更改時間或取消訂單。

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About Merchant

  • 兔 Dreams 是一間有可愛兔店長的複合式餐廳,希望能讓大家在舒適的環境裡除了享用我們為您用心製作的餐點外,還能與兔子近距離接觸,進一步認識兔子,幫助流浪兔們找到新家。

  • 兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳菜單必點:酪梨燻雞厚蛋吐司三明治 / 壽喜牛厚蛋吐司三明治 / 壽喜牛三角飯糰 / 醬炒菇菇三角飯糰 / 韓式泡菜起司雞腿刈包 / 希臘風牛肉刈包

  • 兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳評價:Google 4.4 星好評推薦

  • 兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳推薦:絕佳位置,捷運大安森林公園站,步行 2 分鐘即可抵達。

  • 兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳訂位、兔 Dreams 複合式咖啡寵物餐廳優惠資訊立刻查看⬇︎


新生南路一段161巷10號1號, 台北市大安區

Public Transportation

捷運大安森林公園站,步行 2 分鐘 捷運東門站,步行 10 分鐘 公車捷運大安森林公園站,步行 3 分鐘 公車信義新生路口站,步行 4 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • Areas not allowed for food delivery: Taipei 101, Xinyi District Office, Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, ATT 4 FUN Xinyi Branch
  • The chosen time is the "expected time of the arrival." The delivery may be postponed or brought forward due to the traffic or the weather.
  • After ordering, both the restaurant and the driver will receive the order information in time. The restaurant will start cooking immediately, so the FunNow return policy is not applicable to the delivered food. There will not be a 10-minute hesitation time, and the customer cannot alter the time or cancel the order.
  • If the food is not delivered within 15 minutes after the delivery, please reach out to the customer service through the online chat room and give the information about the order.
  • If any food is missed, incorrect, or damaged, please reach out to the customer service through the online chat room within 10 minutes after the delivery and provide pictures and information about your order. After the problem is confirmed, FunNow will compensate a part or all of your loss.
  • If you choose to meet the driver outside, the driver will wait at the designated location for no more than 10 minutes. If the driver cannot contact you through the phone number, the delivered food will be left at the designated location, and the order will be seen as delivered.


Delivery Policy