JSL Hotel

尊爵浴缸套房 6h


・尊爵浴缸套房;6 小時。
・坪數:15 坪。
・1 張雙人大床。
・房內特殊設施:大片落地窗、雙人沙發、茶几、環保冰箱、小農茶包、60 吋液晶電視、棉質浴袍、高級盥洗備品、感應式門鎖系統、緊急求救鈴、燈光系統。
・響應環保、珍惜水資源,入住期間房內瓶裝水僅提供乙次,本棟 2 樓備有飲水機,歡迎自行取用。

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About Merchant

  • The banyan tree at the entrance has been here since a century ago. With a broad chest of nearly five meters and a green giant body of more than ten meters, it breathes with Taipei in the seasonal breeze of Xing'an Street, nourishing the city's water and soil and sheltering the quiet scenery of the street. The carbonated beauty soup from Wulai, with its natural spring quality and beautiful water connotation, allows each visitor to cleanse the heart of travelers, soothe and de-stress, and make them happy and forgetful.


Mini Bar
Walk-In Shower
Safe box


No.62, Xing’an St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

( MRT ) Nanjing-Fuxing Station / 11 min walk ( MRT ) Zhongshan Junior High School Station / 12 min walk ( MRT ) Xingtian Temple Station / 13 min walk ( Bus ) National Taipei University Sta. / 5 min walk ( Bus ) Hejiang St. Intersection Sta. / 5 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 依據觀光旅館業管理規則,辦理入住時須提供身分證件登記,休息商品依現場規定辦理。
  • 入住人數為 2 人,無提供加人服務。
  • 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
  • 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。


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