AW Cafe Wine Bistro

Food Delivery | Exquisite Boxed Meal


・Description: Pan-fried Chicken Breast Quinoa Boxed Meal / Chicken Leg Topped with Rosemary with Quinoa Boxed Meal / Norwegian Smoked Salmon Quinoa Boxed Meal / U.S Top Beef Short Ribs Quinoa Boxed Meal / Seafood Double Boxed Meal
・The chosen time is the "expected time of the arrival." The delivery may be postponed or brought forward due to the traffic or the weather.
・If you choose to meet the driver outside, the driver will wait at the designated location for no more than 10 minutes. If the driver cannot contact you through the phone number, the delivered food will be left at the designated location, and the order will be seen as delivered.
・Please type the address and phone number correctly to make sure the food will be successfully delivered.
・ The FunNow return policy is not applicable to the delivered food. There will not be a 10-minute hesitation time, and the customer cannot alter the time or cancel the order.

About Merchant

  • 餐廳簡介:熱愛葡萄酒的店主在一次的品酒會中認識一位葡萄牙莊主,並品嚐到非常棒的葡萄酒,因此萌生想要引進台灣帶給朋友的念頭,加上自己喜愛做菜,便著手成立了這家葡萄酒餐酒館。

  • 招牌菜色:獨家代理來自義大利 Ghiga Enrico 酒莊的 Mostaco,帶有一點蜂蜜和水果風味,讓人愛不釋手。

  • 特別活動:店家規劃每月定期與藝術家合作,給您一個安靜充滿藝術氣息的用餐環境。


No.115-2, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City

Public Transportation

捷運信義安和站,步行 7 分鐘 捷運大安站,步行 7 分鐘 捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 15 分鐘 公車信義敦化路口站,步行 1 分鐘 公車信義敦化路口站,步行 4 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • .The chosen time is the "expected time of the arrival." The delivery may be postponed or brought forward due to the traffic or the weather.
  • .After ordering, both the restaurant and the driver will receive the order information in time. The restaurant will start cooking immediately, so the FunNow return policy is not applicable to the delivered food. There will not be a 10-minute hesitation time, and the customer cannot alter the time or cancel the order.
  • .If the food is not delivered within 15 minutes after the delivery, please reach out to the customer service through the online chat room and give the information about the order.
  • .If any food is missed, incorrect, or damaged, please reach out to the customer service through the online chat room within 10 minutes after the delivery and provide pictures and information about your order. After the problem is confirmed, FunNow will compensate a part or all of your loss.
  • .If you choose to meet the driver outside, the driver will wait at the designated location for no more than 10 minutes. If the driver cannot contact you through the phone number, the delivered food will be left at the designated location, and the order will be seen as delivered.


Delivery Policy