
15% Off on Selected Meals | Takeout Only


・Inclusive of: 15% Off on Selected Meals | Takeout Only
・Please type the amount of ice and sugar level of the drinks in the special request box.

- British Breakfast (served with black tea)
- Beef Burger with Caramelized Onion (served with French fries and black tea)
- Beef Flake French Bread (served with French fries and black tea)

・As this is a takeout package, please pick up your meal on time.
・Please choose the delivery time and press “Next” to submit your order.

【The Amount of Ice】
- no ice (去冰)
- a little ice (微冰)
- easy ice (少冰)
- regular ice (正常)
- hot (熱)

【Sugar Level 】
- sugar-free (無糖)
- quarter sugar (微糖)
- half sugar (半糖)
- less sugar (少糖)
- regular sugar (正常)

About Merchant

  • 微笑好食,食個微笑

  • 如果都心想事成,沒有波折

  • 怎麼叫人生 ?

  • 回到最簡單語言無須多想,就微笑吧 !

  • 試試看,可能會有那麼一點的不同喔


仁化街42巷5弄4號, 新北市板橋區

Public Transportation

捷運江子翠站 ,步行 6 分鐘 公車江翠國小(文化路)站,步行 5 分鐘 公車捷運江子翠站,步行 3 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
  • 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
  • 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy