
Special Discount for Duo Hot Pot | Takeout Only


・Inclusive of: Special Discount for Duo Hot Pot | Takeout Only
・Please type the preferred meat in the note box. The number of meat should be the same as that of main courses.
・This is the take-out meal with raw ingredients, please cook it on your own.


【Broth (Choose 1 from the following):】
- Mushroom Hot Pot (served with assorted mushroom 200g)
- Pork Belly with Pepper Hot Pot ( served with pork belly 200g )
- Thai Sour & Spicy Hot Pot (served with frozen tofu*6)
- Spicy Hot Pot (served with duck blood*8 & tofu*4)

【Meat (Choose 1 from the following):】
- Angus Boneless Beef 200g (安格斯無骨牛 200g)
- Prime Healthy Pork 200g (頂級健康豬 200g)
- Boneless Chicken Thigh 200g (去骨雞腿肉 200g)

【Non-staple Food 】
- Prince Noodles*2

【Hot Pot ingredients】
- Fish Dumpling*2
- Bean Curd*2
- Crab Dice*2
- Mushroom Meat Ball*2
- Egg Dumpling*2

【Signature Braised Food 】
- Beef Tendon 50g
- Beef Belly 40g
- Intestine 40g

- Cabbage 150g
- Cucumber 50g
- Taiwanese Lettuce 60 g
- Bok Choy 60g
- Enoki Mushroom 50g
- Black Fungus 50g

・Beef: from the U.S; Pork: from Taiwan
.The sauce and utensils are not provided, sorry for the inconvenience. This is the take-out meal with raw ingredients, please cook it on your own.
・Photos and descriptions are only for reference. Ingredients out of the stock will be replaced with others with equivalent values.
・As this is a takeout package, please pick up your meal on time.
・Please choose the delivery time and press “Next” to submit your order.

About Merchant

  • 四川成都麻辣牛油老火鍋讓人上癮的就是「辛」、「麻」、「鮮」、「香」。

  • 辛麻泰靈魂的味道,盡在舌尖上的那一瞬間,辣度從舌尖上蔓延,秉承古法特選多款辣椒、花椒、冰糖…等數十種食材,加上十幾種中藥材,使用獨門黃金比例精心炒製。油而不燥、鮮香醇厚、香辣過癮、油而不膩,越煮越沁人心脾,溫而不火,口齒留香、麻辣兼具,唇齒之間便瀰漫著辛麻和鮮香的醇厚,沉澱下來的是返璞歸真的味道。


中央路229號8樓, 新竹市東區

Public Transportation

公車東門國小站,步行 7 分鐘 公車巨城購物站,步行 1 分鐘

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  • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, please refer to on-site announcements for dine in or takeout options. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.


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