Dream 12 Hotel

【七夕獨享加贈】不指定雙人房 3h|平日加贈 1h


【FunNow 獨家限時優惠】7/26 起至 8/18,預訂期間內日期之該方案,即加贈 60 分鐘享樂時間!
・不指定雙人房房型,實際入住以現場安排房型為主;3 小時。
・限時優惠:平日可再加贈 1h,共 4 小時。
・平日定義:週一至週四 00:00-23:45。
・1 張雙人大床。
・禁止攜帶寵物 ( 導盲犬可 )。
・櫃台營業時間:07:00 ~ 23:00。

About Merchant

  • 夢想 12 旅店是擁有高網路評價的北區旅店。夢想 12 是以夢想為主題的旅店,每間客房門上都會有各種勵志標語,不妨進房前先讀一讀。客房設計簡約舒適,充滿質感的擺設。

  • 夢想 12 旅店評價:Google 4.5 星、FunNow 4.8 星好評推薦

  • 夢想 12 旅店推薦:夢想 12 位於台中鬧區內,鄰近中華路夜市、柳川水岸步道。

  • 夢想 12 旅店優惠、夢想 12 旅店住宿方案、夢想 12 旅店休息方案立刻查看⬇︎


Exquisite Toiletries


12F., No.1, Sec.4, Liuchuan W. Rd., North Dist., Taichung City

Public Transportation

( Bus ) Guangdali Station / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Central Marketplace Station / 5 min walk ( Bus ) Guang Fu El. School ( Sanmin Rd. ) Sta. / 10 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • According to tourism regulations, ID cards should be provided for registration upon check-in, and other programs should be carried out in accordance with the on-site rules.
  • The number of occupants is 2 pax. Children between 0 - 6 years old are free of charge, and a TWD 300 will be charged on site for children who are over 7 years old or above 110 cm. The maximum number of occupants is 3 pax.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy