宅貓旅館 Cat Village

Cat Glooming Service 120 mins


・This package contains professional glooming service (nail cutting & ear cleaning & hair grooming), dry cleaning, wet cleaning, etc.
・Natural grooming without tying up and an anesthetic.
.We provide professional grooming services for aggressive cats.
・If bottom-foot hair trimming is needed, please inform the staff after arriving at the shop.
・If your cats have some special condition (such as chronic diseases or heart diseases), please inform the staff and type details in the special request box.
・If your cats are heavier than 6 kg or easy to get anxious, please call the shop so that we can provide you with a suitable cat groomer.
・We offer grooming services oriented for cats with infectious diseases.
・Cats should be vaccinated first for protection, and if cats are too young, bathing is not suggested. If your pets are unsuitable for our services through staff's estimation, please contact customer service to cancel your order.
・Double fees will be charged on-site on national holidays.
・Please purchase appropriate packages based on pets' physical condition and owners' needs.

About Merchant

  • 唯一積木概念貓旅館

  • 像拼樂高積木一樣,任意組合出適合貓咪的活動空間!房間上下左右都可相通,也能自由加入抓板、貓窩,打造好玩又有安全感的專屬Villa,讓貓咪住宿就像來度假。

  • 住宿永久累積滿額三萬就送免費獸醫健檢 ( TWD 1500 ),每住一次就是在為貓咪的健康儲蓄,讓你們陪伴彼此更久。

  • 專業貓咪照護知識,宅貓夥伴具有貓咪基因學、行為學、營養學的充分知識,加上眾多貓咪照護美容的實務經驗。

  • 大金空調全年全室恆溫

  • 貓咪放鬆音樂

  • SHARP 清淨機全時運轉淨濾空氣

  • 日立除濕機維持最適濕度

  • 六雙碇、四級氨、酒精三道防護除疫消毒菌

  • 24小時保全、保護安全

  • 全館APP監視器、錄影守護

  • 提供貓咪費洛蒙。寵物放鬆,讓緊張貓咪安定渡假


民生東路二段3號, 台北市中山區

Public Transportation

捷運中山國小站,步行 9 分鐘 捷運雙連站,步行 10 分鐘 捷運行天宮站,步行 10 分鐘 公車捷運行天宮站,步行 6 分鐘 公車吉林國小站,步行 8 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • If the owners do not pick up on time, extra accommodation fees will be charged.
  • Please ensure that there are no fleas, ticks, or any infectious diseases (including mold, FIV, FeLV, zoster virus, etc.) on your cats, or extra fees will be charged.
  • If some tangles are found on-site, additional TWD 100-500 fees will be charged. Please make up the difference. The shop has the right to charge the payment.
  • Please bring the certificate of annual vaccination, ID cards, or driver's license to the shop. The shop will print them to set up customers' information.
  • If the number of cats is unsuitable for this package, please make up the difference on site. The shop has the right to charge necessary payment.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy