
15% Off on Individual Hot Pot | Takeout Only


・Inclusive of: 15% Off on Individual Hot Pot | Takeout Only
・Please type the preferred broths and non-staple food in the note box.

【Main Course (Choose 1 from the following):】
- Taiwanese Pork Shoulder
- Choice Beef
- Choice Lamb
- High-grade Shaoxing Wine Chicken Thigh
- Yilan Cheery Duck
- Choice Beef Blade

【Broth (Choose 1 from the following:)】
- Stone Broth (天子石頭鍋)
- Chinese Herbal Broth (vegetarian) (御品藥膳鍋 ( 全素 ))

【Non-staple Food (Choose 1 from the following:)】
- Rice (白飯)
- Rice Noodles (冬粉)
- Udon Noodles (烏龍麵)
- Sliced Noodles (刀削麵)
- Wide Rice Noodles (寬粉)
- Egg (雞蛋)

・Additional purchase for other broths is available.
・As this is a takeout package, please pick up your meal on time.
・Please choose the delivery time and press “Next” to submit your order.

About Merchant

  • 吾皇大大火鍋店,強打湯頭的「精粹、香濃、鮮醇、回甘」 提供您最極致的湯頭、最鮮美的食材。在這裡,每位客人都會被當作「吾皇大大」,給您最尊榮、貼心的服務。

  • 吾皇大大菜單必吃:骨煲老火鍋、宮廷鱘龍帝王鍋、思蜀皇朝麻辣鍋、吾皇雙龍鍋、日本 A5 熊本和牛 ( 背肩 )

  • 吾皇大大評價:Google 4.7 顆星高分好評

  • 吾皇大大推薦:採用中國古典風的設計,搭配黃金龍椅、宮廷古物,以及仿宮廷龍頭與石牆、鞦韆,氣派的裝潢,是 IG 熱門打卡點。

  • 吾皇大大訂位、吾皇大大優惠資訊立刻查看⬇︎


中山北路二段8號2樓, 台北市中山區

Public Transportation

公車捷運中山站 ( 志仁高中 ),步行 4 分鐘 公車南京林森路口站,步行 5 分鐘 捷運中山站,步行 3 分鐘 捷運雙連站,步行 9 分鐘

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Business Hours


  • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, please refer to on-site announcements for dine in or takeout options. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy