CMYK gallery

Artistic Afternoon Tea


・Inclusive of: Free Painting & Dessert Time
・Dessert (Choose 1 from the following): Classic Popular Uji Matcha (Salt Pickled Cherry Blossom Jelly & Mochi Dumplings) / Recommended Black Sesame (Assorted Nuts & Small Dorayaki) / Popular Selected Milk (Organic Corn & Brown Sugar Pearl)
・Here is a compound space, combined with a painting room, restaurant, cafe, and gallery. We provide Acrylic colors and blank drawing boards for you to create unique paintings with your creativity.
・Experience Time: 4 hours (because the limited number of tables )
・The Size of Drawing Board: 27 cm x 22 cm
・Acrylic colors are not easy to be washed off, so we prepare an apron for every customer. Customers can prepare another pair of clothes if want to.

About Merchant

  • CMYK Gallery 是一種新型態的複合式空間,結合了畫畫、餐廳、咖啡廳以及藝廊,重新定義了新的娛樂生活,還有 IG 拍照熱點的壓克力顏料牆,繽紛療癒。

  • 你可以嘗試自助繪畫的空白畫板,盡情揮灑你的靈感留下獨一無二的創作;也可以報名流動畫課程,享受顏料隨意流動的無框架藝術之美,度過一個多采多姿的早晨或午後!

  • 結合畫畫、餐廳、咖啡廳、藝廊的複合式空間,自助繪畫畫板自由創作,開心揮灑靈感,無框架流動畫,無繪畫基礎也可以輕鬆體驗。




德化街580號, 台中市北區

Public Transportation

公車忠明高中站,步行 9 分鐘 公車科學博物館(臺灣大道)站,步行 13 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, please refer to on-site announcements for dine in or takeout options. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.
  • Acrylic colors are not easy to be washed off, so we prepare an apron for every customer. Customers can prepare another pair of clothes if want to.
  • The discount on FunNow and the discount of the restaurant cannot be applied at the same time.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy