Maidreamin Osaka Nippombashi-Otaroad Store

1 hour | Trial maid cafe experience


This product is a trial maid cafe experience for one hour. Recommended for those who are interested in Maidreamin and want to try it a little. You can experience Maidreamin like a cafe.
The contents of the set are as follows:

※NOTE: Please purchase one product per person. This product cannnot be shared with multiple people.

・ 1 hour of entry fee
・ Drink (1 drink from the following)
 - Coffee
 - Tea
 - Various non-alcoholic drinks
 - Beer
・ Commemorative photo ( one by one per person )
 - Cheki( Polaroid )
・Live by maids( select one song in a group )

About Merchant

  • 【口碑好評】榮獲 Tripadvisor 2019「年度卓越獎」,是女僕人數最多、日本規模 No.1 首選的女僕咖啡廳!聲名遠播到連海外都有分店。

  • 【餐廳簡介】歡迎回到「夢之國」~ 踏進咖啡廳時由女僕帶領「入國」儀式,為您說明店內的規則,同時一起點亮蠟燭型小燈。店內所有可愛的食物及飲料都配有「變好吃~吧」的美味魔法,以及還有抽「喵喵籤」、拍立得攝影等和女僕互動的小遊戲。離店時則要吹掉蠟燭,象徵要離開夢幻的國度回到現實世界。初心者別怕!連阿部寬都曾到訪過的「Maidreamin」 ,這裡可是大男人也入門容易的女僕咖啡廳哦!

  • 【絕佳地點】距離難波車站超近,走路只需 5 分鐘,最適合懶人!


Naniwa Ward,Nipponbashi 4 Chome-16-15, Osaka,

Public Transportation

5 minutes walk from Namba Station of Nankai Main Line.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 照片僅供參考,實際偶有與照片稍微不同之處。
  • 若對某種食材過敏,請在預約時填寫於備註欄。
  • 本商品預訂後不可取消,敬請見諒。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy