Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine
— 商品介紹 —
・商品內容:沙發座位區 10 人早鳥票,12/1開始恢復原價。
- 十人份餐點 ( 六款鹹甜小點 )
- 2 瓶Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque香檳
- 2 瓶Perrier-Jouët香檳
- 2 瓶威士忌
- 2 瓶龍舌蘭
・入場時間:12/31 晚上 9:30 開放驗票入場。
— 分店特色 —
— 備註 —
・現場消費需付 10% 服務費。
・18 歲以下要有大人陪同。
— 特殊商品退款須知 —
.此為節慶特殊商品,若需退訂請於預訂後 72 小時內提出,酌收 5% 退款手續費用,72 小時後不受理退費。
About Merchant
Wildwood presents a rustic yet elevated dining experience unlike any in Taipei. The restaurant is anchored by an open kitchen and custom grill that invites guests to witness the theatre and drama of live fire cooking.
Chef Lam Ming Kin brings decades of experience in a variety of cuisines, and a global sensibility to his culinary concepts. He honed his skills in some of the finest kitchens in the world including Vong in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Hong Kong, Apicius in Paris, Guy Savoy’s Le Chiberta in Paris, and Jean Georges Shanghai.
4th Floor, 9 Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
MRT MRT Xiangshan Station Exit 1, 11 minutes on foot MRT City Hall Station Exit 3, 7 minutes walk MRT Taipei 101
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