Shuiyue Motel
・1 張雙人床。
・房內設備:四柱床、冷暖氣、泡泡浴缸、免費提供飲料、點心、無壓縮機冰箱、多功能淋浴組、全館 ZOD 隨選頻道、鏡像投射 TV 手機連結系統、免費上網。
・即日起至 2024/12/28,連續入住兩晚,無需退房再辦理入住,可享中午 12 點至 18 點免費續住禮遇。
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Extra 1h (exclusive of Sat., Sun., Chinese New Year & consecutive holidays)
About Merchant
水悅精品會館是風格低調奢華的大里區汽車旅館。水悅 25 間優質獨立車庫客房,對應不同需求提供各種設備,家庭旅遊、情侶約會、朋友歡聚都能讓您滿意,商務旅客也有專屬的休憩空間,讓您在這個舒適乾淨的環境中得以度過美好夜晚!
水悅精品會館評價:Google 4.2 星、FunNow 4.8 星好評推薦
水悅精品會館推薦:水悅近台鐵五權站,距離台中市區約 10 分鐘車程時間。
No.137, Yonglong 7th St., Dali Dist., Taichung City
Public Transportation
公車爽文東明路口站,步行 2 分鐘 公車大明爽文路口站,步行 3 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- According to tourism regulations, ID cards should be provided for registration upon check-in, and other programs should be carried out in accordance with the on-site rules.
- For special dates, the room rate is based on the on-site price.
- Children under 130 cm are free of charge (3 pax). Please refer to the announcements on-site for additional pax or extension of time.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy