Jinsha Motel

不指定房型|都會時尚 / 臻愛金沙


・本方案不分房型 ( 都會時尚 / 臻愛金沙 ),實際入住以現場房況為主。
・住房含 2 份早餐;含車庫。
・1 張雙人大床。
・可攜帶寵物入住,每隻寵物每晚額外收取 NTD$500 的清潔費,以及每隻寵物 NTD$1,000 的押金。如果客人退房時房間沒有損壞,將退還押金。
・最晚退房時間: 中午 12 點 。
・房內設備:獨立客臥區、公主床、開放式浴室、雙人沙發、床尾椅、DVD 播放機、水療池。
・晚上 18 點後入住,可至隔日中午 12 點前退房;晚上 12 點後入住,入住後 12 小時退房。

About Merchant

  • Convenient transportation: Located in the best commercial area of Taichung City, about 7 minutes by car from Taichung Railway Station and 10 minutes by foot from Yizhong Shopping District. The hotel is close to the Yizhong Night Market, China, and Auditing New Village, where you can easily enjoy cultural and culinary sightseeing.

  • The hotel is equipped with top-notch facilities: the quality and design of the hotel exceed that of a five-star hotel, making it as comfortable as if it were tailor-made for travelers, and the rooms have a six-meter-high floor-in-floor room and a large 50-inch LCD flat-screen TV, making it like having a private movie theater.


Independent Garage
Mini Bar
Pet friendly


No.201, Taiping Rd., North Dist., Taichung City

Public Transportation

( Bus ) Jianxing Yongxing Intersection Sta. / 4 min walk ( Bus ) Shin Min High School Sta. / 4 min walk

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 依據觀光旅館業管理規則,辦理入住時須提供身分證件登記,休息商品依現場規定辦理。
  • 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
  • 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy