
Qingshui District, Taichung City.No.8, Meiti Street,

+886 437022557

Business Hours

About Merchant
  • Slowly Sunset Glamping is a lazy camping site in Qingshui, Taichung, located in the beautiful Gao Mei Wetland, which is known for its stunning sunsets. It offers a one-night stay with two meals based on the wetland theme, and a complimentary afternoon tea snack. The park has bohemian-style top-grade lotus tents, and guests can also purchase ecological guided tours to experience wetland ecology while enjoying the sunset.
  • Activities: Ecological guided tours are available for purchase.
  • Meals: Dinner, breakfast, and welcome snack time complimentary.
  • Facilities: Air conditioning and heating, fans, table lamps, and a 24-hour hot water supply in the washroom.


  • 本營區因帳內空間有限,恕不提供加床加人服務。

  • 實際入住人數超過訂房人數時,將無法提供服務。

  • 營帳內均提供移動式冷氣、風扇,請勿自行攜帶其他電器用品,造成跳電風險。

  • 園區為保護區,無法進行野炊烤肉等相關明火。

  • 本營區未規劃寵物友善區,恕不提供寵物入住。

  • 園區設有吸菸區,請詢問現場服務人員。

  • 營帳音量穿透性較高,請10點之後音量降低。

  • 此處早晚溫差大,請記得攜帶保暖衣物。

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