
The Good Winter Cabin(Double Room)|Small Wooden Cabin|Firefly River Season on the Five Peaks Ground|Guide to Atayal Secret Realm


地上螢河,人間星河!泰雅百年賞螢秘境,2024 年獨家開放!

- 活動內容 -
螢火蟲生態導覽、泰雅文化解說、合影留念 - 與螢共舞

- 活動報名費用 -
成人 ( TWD 500 / 130 公分以上 ),孩童 ( TWD 300 / 90 - 130 公分孩童 )
*未滿 90 公分以下之幼兒因安全考量,恕不開放報名。

- 活動時間 -
週一至週日:19:00 - 20:15、19:30 - 20:45、20:15 - 21:30
*如同時參加獵徑尋根與泰雅賞螢體驗,活動時間則為 19:00 - 20:00。

1. 本活動滿 10 人開團,如遇人數不足與天候因素未能成團,將於現場櫃檯辦理退款事宜。
6.同時間獵徑尋根活動時間更動為 20:00 - 22:00。( 無參加「泰雅賞螢體驗」需於 19:45 於霧繞大廳集合 )

・好冬小屋木屋方案,杉木林搭配雲海景觀,可住 2人,人數請於下一步選擇。
・位於半山腰的 6 坪溫馨木屋。
・木屋內有:雙人床 * 1、私人衛浴 ( 壁掛沐浴乳、洗髮乳 )、桌燈、掛衣架、舒適桌椅、風扇、液體電蚊香、耳塞、快煮壺、瓶裝水、電毯 / 床 / 條 ( 提供冬季 10 月至 4 月 )。

※公共盥洗室區域提供:寶寶澡盆、小椅凳、棉花棒、救急衛生綿、雙門 97L 小冰箱、冷熱飲水機、尿布台、奶瓶消毒鍋、 Tescom 吹風機、保溫壺。

・報名費用:TWD 990 / 人,原價報名費用 TWD 2500 / 人
・活動時間:20:00 - 22:00
・活動的開團與否,會因天候因素、報名人數,到當天 17:00 來決定是否成團。
・若是線上已加購完成付費之客人,當天若不開團,現場會協助客人申請線上退款事宜 ( 退款工作天:不含例假日 7 - 14 天 )。
・活動有人數上限,線上訂房直接加購活動,報名人數滿 3 人即開團
・本活動為確保活動安全性,請參加者自備雨鞋或是防滑的鞋具,以及會對以下身份加以限制:12 歲以下、孕婦、心臟病、有高血壓之症狀、腿腳不便者。

・迎賓點心時間:14:30 - 16:00
・在地體驗時間:15:00 ( 約 1 小時,逾時不候 )
・晚餐時間:17:40 - 19:30 部落風創意餐點 ( 現場會因人數調整為 2 梯次用餐時間 )
・賞螢時光:19:00 - 21:00 ( 現場會因人數調整為 2 - 3 梯次 )
・晚間營火:19:30 - 21:30 ( 遇雨取消 )
・早餐時間:08:00 - 09:30 中西式自助

About Merchant

  • The park is located in the 1000-meter high Pailan tribe, surrounded by beautiful cedar forests. On clear days, you can overlook the Pailan River Valley, and sometimes you can sit and watch the rolling clouds like waves, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains. Throughout the year, the park offers diverse views, with cherry blossom season in February to March, firefly season in May, hydrangea season from May to July, and beetle season from July to August. Occasionally, you can also find bamboo beetles, flying squirrels, and Taiwan's smallest owl - the Collared Scops Owl, making it an ecologically rich and picturesque paradise. The park also offers a luxury camping experience with Atayal-style cuisine, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the culture of the Atayal tribe.




No. 298-3, Bailan, Taoshan Village, Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County.

Public Transportation

[ Navigation ] WooRao [ Self-driving ] For visitors driving from the north: Take National Highway 1 and exit at Hsinchu (95A), then turn onto Provincial Highway 68 and continue on Zhongfeng Road (Provincial Highway 3) until you reach County Road 122. Follow County Road 122 for 50.4 kilometers until you see a fork in the road. Keep right and continue driving for about 3 kilometers to arrive. For visitors driving from the south: Take National Highway 3 and exit at Zhulin (90), then head towards Qionglin and turn onto Provincial Highway 68. Continue on Zhongfeng Road (Provincial Highway 3) until you reach County Road 122. Follow County Road 122 for 50.4 kilometers until you see a fork in the road. Keep right and continue driving for about 3 kilometers to arrive.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 本園區採取預約制,若臨時來訪可能無帳篷可供入住。
  • 住宿期間請遵守園區內規定,相關規定請參考 [ 客戶須知 ] 內容。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy