
Medium-Sized & Large-Sized Dogs | Dog Boarding 24h


・Inclusive of: Medium-Sized & Large-Sized Dogs | Dog Boarding 24h
・This package contains a 24 hours boarding service for medium & large-sized dogs (≥ 5kg).
・If boarding time will be more than 4 hours, the owner can choose this package as well. Or the owner can choose this package and type preferred daycare hours in the special requests.
・Dog walking service is included.
・We create a comfortable space without locking the dogs in the cage.
・Meals: We provide a refrigerator, Thermomix cooker, air fryer, oven, electric kettle, etc. Pets can enjoy meals cooked in various forms.
・The owner should bring a certificate of vaccination, ID card, NHI card, or driver's license for setting up customer information for the first daycare/boarding. The documents will be printed only.
・If the owner picks up his/her pets late, an extra fee will be charged to make up the difference. The shop has the right to charge the payment.
・If the body shape or weight of your pets are unsuitable for this package, please make up the difference on site. The shop has the right to charge necessary payment.
・Please choose the pets' breed, weight, whether they are neutered, first accommodation or not, and having medication or not.
・Please choose the number of pets' staying days. If your pets will stay in the hotel for more than a week, multiple orders will be placed.

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Privilege for PRO / ELITE Members

0.5 hour late check-out is given.

About Merchant

  • 『愛犬小屋』 是一個精緻型的狗狗住宿空間 ,提供狗狗安全又健康的舒適環境,此外也提供均衡營養的鮮食餐,讓狗狗住的安心,狗主人也放心,歡迎蒞臨指教。


民生東路五段36巷6弄 5之一號1樓, 台北市松山區

Public Transportation

捷運南京三民站,步行 14 分鐘 公車聯合二村站,步行 2 分鐘 公車三民路站,步行 6 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • New customers should show a vaccination certificate (rabies vaccine & assorted vaccine) with the signature of veterinarians this year and the ID cards for collecting customers' personal information.
  • Before entering the shop, please ensure that there are no fleas and ticks on or in your pets. (Fipronil, Fluralaner,etc.)
  • Owners can bring pets' preferred snacks/food, toys, blanket, or sleeping pads so that their pets can be familiar with the new environment more easily.
  • We respect every pet's temper; however, since the shop is an open space, we do not serve pets with high aggression, refusing to be touched, with severe anxiety, or pets in estrus. Any phone calls are welcomed. If your pets are unsuitable for our services through staff's estimation, please contact customer service to cancel your order.
  • If the pet has to stay in the shop for an extra night (or more) or temporarily stay in the shop, the owner should contact the staff before the scheduled time. If the owners do not contact the staff for more than three days, pets will be viewed as deliberately abandoned. After the shop report to the Animal Protection Office, the pets will be given to the authority.
  • The time of late daycare reservation depends on the on-site announcement.
  • If the body shape or weight of your pets are unsuitable for this package, please make up the difference on site. The shop has the right to charge necessary payment.
  • If the pets stay in the shop over time, please make up the difference when paying the bill. The shop has the right to charge the payment.
  • If the owners do not pick up their pets on time, the shop will let the pets stay one more day. The owners should make up the difference when picking up their pets. The shop has the right to charge the payment.
  • The discount on FunNow and the discount of the restaurant cannot be applied at the same time.


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy