MQ Marquee
・本方案內容: 誰說台北沒有愛情|🤍 愛神降臨 MQ 羅百吉來了! 🖤
・商品內容:單人入場票,附 1 杯飲品。
⚠️「華人電音教父」DJ JERRY @djjerrytaiwan ⚠️
台灣電子音樂先鋒和知名DJ。90 年代在臺掀起電音風潮,以獨特的音樂融合風格和炫酷的舞台表演著稱。作品以激烈舞曲及感性電子音樂為主軸,堪稱音樂界的多面手。綜合音樂、影視和時尚,名副其實的多才藝人、家喻戶曉的華人電音教父。
⚠️ DJ KUANG @kuang_messwith ⚠️
隸屬Messwith 酒精奴隸
Here Taipei常駐DJ,從MQ Taipei、Final、Pipe等放歌經驗中找出喜愛的節奏感音樂舞曲,喜好類型:中文、techno、trance。
⚠️ DJ LUCKY9 @2lu9 ⚠️
⚠️ DJ 99 @ch.cocolate ⚠️
⚠️ DJ JOSIE @emobabycat.meow ⚠️
可入場時間:2024/8/10(六)20:00 入場驗票; 21:00 活動開始
活動地點:MQ Taipei ( 台北市信義區信義路五段16-1號 )
電音粉絲們,注意啦!這個夏天最火爆的電音派對即將登場!由寶貝檳榔攤和純愛小吃部聯手,並在 MQ Taipei 的鼎力支持下,邀請到台灣電子音樂界的傳奇人物羅百吉(Jerry Lo),以及 DJ KUANG、DJ LUCKY9、DJ 99,和 DJ JOSIE 到場表演;綜合各類風格及華語音樂,伴上寶貝檳榔攤的熱辣舞蹈、搭配台味滿滿的純愛小吃部餐點與 MQ Taipei 精緻特調,以及來自南台灣的 Dark Circles 所帶來的限量 3 款,充滿南部風情的專屬飲品,將為你帶來一場前所未有的音樂盛宴!
💰單人入場票|調飲 1 杯
TWD 600
此為特殊商品,若需退訂請於 2024/08/6 23:59 前提出 ( 退訂需扣 10% 訂金 ),逾時恕不退費。
FunNow Exclusive Gift
FunNow Member Benefit
每份入場票贈調飲 1 杯
About Merchant
Signature Cocktails: Special tailored cocktails menu with clear ingredients addressed. From sniffing the aroma to slurping the tannin of the drink, you are able to experience the lingering aftertaste with every sip you have.
Spotless Atmosphere: Located right opposite Taipei 101, this spacious elegant room has been divided into dine-in section and drinking lounge, catering to different occasions such as couple dating, friends gathering or partying.
Special Honors: The Diageo World Class top bartender has once been their special bartender offering personalized cocktails, earning the deserved title of 36 Hours must-visit places in Taipei and 2017 Louis Vuitton City Guide Taipei recommended bar.
No.16-1, Sec.5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
( MRT ) Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. / 3 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. ( City Hall Rd. ) / 3 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Sta. ( Xinyi ) / 3 min walk ( Bus ) World Trade Center Sta. ( Zhuangjing ) / 3 min walk
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 抵達餐廳時,請出示 FunNow 訂單兌換碼供現場人員作兌換。
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