FU GEE marine service

新城島|釣魚 & 浮潛體驗|幼兒


About Merchant

  • 讓資深導遊帶您探索沖繩縣石垣島!FU GEE marine service 是以石垣島為據點,提供各式各樣水上活動服務的店家。老闆岸本先生是八重山人,對八重山的海域瞭若指掌~跟著有 20 年豐富經驗的資深導遊,一起玩翻石垣島吧!

  • 即使是初學者也能放心享受!對於第一次體驗浮潛、潛水或經驗不足的人可能會擔心害怕,FU GEE 提供專業且周到的服務,手把手教您習慣水上活動,讓消費者都能帶著愉快的笑容暢玩石垣島!


Shineicho 20 - 21, Okinawa, Ishigaki City,

Public Transportation

Map Code:366 003 580*13 When inputting the address in navigation, the following locations will not be displayed because there is no address in the port. Please come to "74 Shineicho, Ishigaki City, Okinawa"( Arakawa Kindergarten )and contact us by phone. We will pick you up. TEL.0980-88-5800

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy