GIRAR bar & restaurant

現場 500 元折抵


・本方案內容:現場消費總金額 TWD 500 折抵。
・店家推薦菜色:松阪豬自製味噌美乃滋塔可 / 毒梟炸雞 / 經典油封鴨腿沙拉 / 特製調酒。
・店內低消為週日 - 週四 TWD 300 / 人,週五 - 週六及國定假日 TWD 500 / 人,均消為 TWD 500。

About Merchant

  • About GIRAR bar & restaurant:

  • This is a Speakeasy-style bar with Western-style pawnshops as the connection point! You need to tell the skeleton staff your personal information, and then be led to the place of fine food and alcohol. A little but of adventure is just right for a beautiful evening!

  • Signature dishes:

  • The special cocktail "American Breakfast" is with Bourbon whiskey as based, added with maple sugar, black pepper, as well as bacon!! The taste of bacon with cocktail is surprisingly harmonious. The food here is also delicious!

  • Store atmosphere:

  • In this bustling and lively British-style place, you can have alcoholic drinks and fine food with friends - and chat a lot! How can there be anything better than this?


No.2-3, Renyi St., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City

Public Transportation

捷運捷運三多商圈站 ,步行 2 分鐘 捷運獅甲站,步行 15 分鐘 公車大遠百百貨 ( 捷運三多商圈站 ),步行 1 分鐘 公車捷運三多商圈站,步行 3 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
  • 此方案可折抵現場消費總金額 TWD 500。
  • 最後點餐時間 01:00。
  • 現場收 10% 服務費。
  • 農曆過年期間,低消調整為一人 TWD 600。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy