eamLab: Digitized Fukuoka Castle Ruins



本商品為「 teamLab 福岡城跡 光之祭典 2019 - 2020 」國中和高中學生入場券 1 張。

・日期:2019.11.29 (五) - 2020.02.23 (日) 
・時間:18:00 - 22:00 (最後入場時間 21:30 )
・請於入口處向工作人員出示 FunNow 的6位數兌換碼,確認無誤後即可入場。
・3 歲以下兒童可免費入場。

About Merchant

  • Built over a period of seven years from 1601, Fukuoka Castle is the largest castle in Kyushu. Often referred to as the Stone Castle, its center the Honmaru, Ninomaru and Sannomaru palaces were made up entirely of stone walls. The beautiful four layers of stone walls make this vast site a magnificent national historic treasure.

  • This exhibition is a part of teamLab’s Digitized City art project. The concept behind the project is that non-material digital technology can turn a city into art without physically altering it.

  • In teamLab: Digitized Fukuoka Castle Ruins, the heart of the Fukuoka Castle ruins, with its beautiful stone walls that span 20,000 square meters, will be transformed into a art space of interactive light that changes according to the presence of people.


Jonai 1, Fukuoka, Chuo Ward

Public Transportation

8 minutes walk from Akasaka Station or Ohori Koen Station of the Fukuoka City Subway. 8 minutes walk from Fukuoka-jo Korokan-mae stop, Fukuoka-shi Bijutsukan Higashi-guchi stop or Otemon & Heiwadai Rikujo Kyogijo-iriguchi stop of Nishitetsu Bus. 10 minutes walk from Akasaka 3-chome stop of Nishitetsu Bus.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


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