日立海濱公園毛茸茸掃帚草 1 日遊



・本商品為 12 歲以上成人 1 人的體驗行程費用。
・如欲加購 3-11歲兒童體驗行程,選定預定時間後至下一步加購兒童體驗,每名兒童費用為 10980 日圓。
・「地膚狂歡節」固定於每年的 9 月下旬至 10 月中旬舉行!被海洋和藍天所包圍的日立海濱公園,擁有超過 32000 棵蓬鬆可愛的地膚(又名掃帚球)可供欣賞!在Miharashi之丘的山腳下還有紅、白、粉紅色的大波斯菊( 10 月上旬至中旬)及百日草( 7 月下旬至 9 月下旬)等各種花卉盛開。
・造訪坐擁約 150 間日本本地及國際品牌的阿見Premium Outlet內購物。
7:15 新宿西口Mode學院集合
7:30 整裝出發
10:00 國營日立海濱公園(欣賞可愛的地膚及其他各式各樣的花卉/約 90 分)
12:00 PAPAGANO水戶店(意大利餐廳品嚐午膳自助餐/約 50 分)
13:20 霞浦市觀光農園:(體驗採摘時令水果/約 30 分)
14:50 阿見Premium Outlet(Outlet購物/約 90 分)
18:00 抵達新宿

About Merchant

  • Geared toward visitors to Japan from abroad, JAPAN LOCAL TOUR's corporate philosophy of providing, through tourism, new insights to people around the world and contributing toward a more peaceful planet and mutual understanding regardless of factors such as nationality, race, cultural background and religion.

  • When traveling on your own, you have to cover the costs of train tickets, a rental car, gasoline and other such expenses. With our tours, you travel via bus as part of a group, meaning you can enjoy group discounts while also splitting transport and other costs with the other members. If you want to travel around Japan, our bus tours are definitely more economical than making arrangements yourself!

  • All you have to do is show up at the initial meeting point, and our convenient bus tours will take you around to a variety of different sightseeing destinations. And don't worry—we'll return you to the same place you started once the tour is over! You won't have to drag heavy luggage around from place to place, making for more easy-going travel. Moreover, our use of tour buses means you also won't have to transfer between trains, city buses and other types of public transportation as you travel, eliminating the need to haul your things around with you and thus facilitating a comfortable day of laid-back sightseeing.


Nishishinjuku 1-7, Tokyo, Shinjuku City

Public Transportation

5 minutes walk from the West Exit of JR Shinjuku Station.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 本商品為特殊商品,訂購後將不可更改時間或取消,請您特別注意。
  • 預定成功後,將會於FunNow App上收到電子憑證,出發當天請出示電子憑證畫面即可。
  • 電子憑證內包含行程中每一個觀光景點的到達與出發時間等事項,請提前確認。
  • 集合地點為「新宿西口Mode學園 Cocoon tower前」,地址為:東京都新宿区西新宿1丁目7。建議可自JR新宿西口(地上出口)前往,步行約 5 分鐘。
  • 本 1 日遊將使用日語以及中英文的旅遊指南為您服務,但未包含行程中各個觀光景點的介紹與說明。
  • 出發當天將為您準備您期望的語言所編寫的出發日程書,以利您可隨時掌握行程。
  • 本商品將有最低成團之要求,若未達最低成團人數而適逢取消時,將於出發日的 4 天前以E-mail聯繫告知,並全額退費。
  • 由於日本法律規定,巴士行駛時請乘客佩戴好安全帶。
  • 因應交通狀況或其他非人為可控制的因素影響,可能會導致行程變更或縮短,敬請理解。
  • 具體行程預定時程安排,但可能因當天實際交通狀況而有所調整。
  • 此商品是根據歷年的開花時期所設定,但因天氣狀況最佳觀賞時期會有所不同,敬請理解。
  • 關於摘採水果,有可能因水果的成熟度及生長情況而未能進行,此情況下將會臨時改為品嚐預先收成的水果盤或贈送水果。
  • 因餐廳的進貨狀況,午餐的内容會隨時更換。
  • 若因交通阻塞等引致行程有所延誤,在Outlet購物的時間將有可能會被縮短。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy