Yu Pin Yue Hotpot

單人極致海鮮 / 海陸鍋|贈肉盤


— 商品內容 —

・本方案為:單人極匯海鮮鍋 ( 草蝦、天使紅蝦、鮮蝦、小卷、扇貝、奶油魚、蛤蜊、鮮蚵 ),另可升級為極鮮海陸鍋 ( 極匯海鮮鍋加牛 / 羊 / 豬肉 3選 1 ),請參考下一步預訂。
・FunNow 會員獨家贈培根豬肉 / 上選羊肉 / 培根牛肉 ( 小份 ) 3 選 1。

— 分店特色 —

・近捷運市政府站 1 號出口,步行 3 分鐘。

— 注意事項 —

・共鍋每位酌收 150 元,可抵當次單點消費。
・最後點餐時間為 22:00。

About Merchant

  • Yu Pin Yue Hot Pot is a traditional hot pot venue with booth seating as well as bar seating. Located in the heart of Xinyi District with a view of Taipei 101, this restaurant is an example of how Taipei preserves its traditions in the modern world with its chic design, downtown location and staff of older women who believe in the power of Chinese medicine. With a belief that food should not just feed, but nourish, the soup base for the spicy hot pot at this restaurant is made and enhanced with Chinese herbs, a form of Chinese medicine. Their soup base is simmered for four hours, and they refuse to add chemicals or pre-packaged soup bases.


No. 21, Lane 147, Section 1, Jilong Road, Xinyi District, Xinyi District

Public Transportation

捷運市政府站 1 號出口,步行 3 分鐘 公車松山高中(松隆)站,步行 3 分鐘 公車捷運市政府站,步行 5 分鐘 公車捷運市政府站,步行 3 分鐘

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy