Okinawa Hanabi Illusion

成人票 | 巴士接駁


・本商品包裝為 : 2018 年「琉球海炎祭」成人票無座區 1 張 + 來回巴士車票 1 人。如需加購張數請參考下一步加價購。
・十萬人朝聖的第 15 回「琉球海炎祭」,是日本最早的花火大會,傳統工藝、當代藝術、時尚科技的完美結合。10000 發特製花火,沖繩海景是它的舞台,湛藍深邃的夜空是專屬的畫布,2018 夏天,盡情綻放,驚艷無限!
・交通資訊:宜野灣海濱公園,沖縄県宜野湾市真志喜 4-2-1
・汽車導航 map code:33 403 343*44
・活動時間:15:30 入園,19:30 開演。
・巴士回程時間:當日21:30 活動區門口
・巴士集合地點:A. 單軌電車 新都心站2號出口前;B. AEON北谷購物中心 門口。
・本門票最後退票時間為:2018 年 4 月 5 日,酌收10%手續費。


・巴士票:將 email 寄送電子憑證至您的註冊信箱(請務必確認),當天依電子憑證上車。* 請於結帳前備註處說明:乘客全名 / 手機號碼 / email信箱 / 巴士出發時間及地點 。

・海炎祭門票:海炎祭現場憑預訂管理內的訂單兌換碼至 FunNow 攤位兌換票券進場。

About Merchant

  • Traditional entertainment that Japan boasts "Fireworks",

  • One major collaboration of Okinawa's "nature and culture"

  • Ryukyu Kai Fire festival which celebrates the 15th time in 2018 with the theme "To the summer that is touched the earliest in Japan".

  • It is one of the biggest entertainment in Okinawa, full of originality due to the fusion of Japanese fireworks and Okinawa music and culture, and boasts the largest scale of fireworks illusion in Japan.

  • Not only as an ocean type resort but also appealing the original attraction of Okinawa with a new method,

  • We aim to improve Okinawa's status and attract sightseeing, and appeal "the earliest summer in Japan" inside and outside the prefecture. As a festival to enjoy tourists from outside the prefecture and Okinawa citizens every April, it will be held according to the sea opening season in Okinawa.


Shinji Kiyoshi 4-chome No. 2 No. 1, Ginowan City

Public Transportation

Ginowan Seaside Park (Ginowan Tropical Beach) Shinji Kiyoshi 4-chome No. 2 No. 1 Ginowan City 901-2224

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