Yilan Surfing

Twin Lion Beach Surfing


What/ Surfing at one of the best sites in Taiwan! It is the lesson for rookies!

Deal / All equipment, coach fee, insurance.

Where/ Gather at No. 419 Sec. 2, Binhai Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County.

Please reserve 2 days in advance.

About Merchant

  • 我們擁有最專業的教練以及安全的設備,而且外澳雙獅海灘是極佳的體驗場所,不會過度強大的風浪讓您可以安心學習,邊學習還可以邊遠眺前方的龜山島美景。心動不如上行動,快來和我們一起乘風破浪吧!


No.419, Sec.2, Binhai Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County

Public Transportation

公車小澳站,步行 2 分鐘 公車金斗公廟站,步行 9 分鐘

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