Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket

新年大特賣 : 迪士尼成人票送餐券


👍 FunNow特賣買票送餐卷,原價757 特價只要619! 迪士尼成人票 x1 +二合一餐卷 x1
👍 到現場不需要到票務處排隊換票,直接掃QR Code入場。
👍 如有需要,此門票亦可在樂園入口處通過補回差價,將其升級為奇妙處處通會員(樂園年票),可扣減$619。
.香港迪士尼樂園度假區帶你探索精彩無限的夢想之旅! 參與全球迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題的遊樂設施 “鐡甲奇俠飛行之旅” , 與鋼鐵俠一起對抗邪惡勢力! 觀看百老滙式音樂戲 “迪士尼魔法書房” , 投入新層次的奇妙之旅, 更可享過百項世界 級遊樂設施及娛樂體驗! 快和摯愛一起來探索吧!

About Merchant

  • Enter a magical kingdom inspired by fairy-tale dreams and explore 7 lands—Adventureland, Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Point, Toy Story Land, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Main Street, U.S.A.—filled with beauty, excitement and Disney Characters.


Penny Bay, New Territories, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Public Transportation

How to Get There:Take MTR to Sunny Bay Station, then transfer to the Disneyland Resort line and get off at Disneyland Resort Station.

Business Hours


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy